javascript - Is there a cleaner way to chain these Bluebird promises? -
i have 3 functions (a, b, c) each return promise. chain of promises don't require information previous promises except complete.
b has wait finish, , c has wait b finish.
currently have:
return a(thing) .then(function () { return b(anotherthing); }) .then(function () { return c(somethingelse); });
this feels i'm wasting lot of space (7 lines 3 lines of actual code).
this works
return a(thing) .then(b.bind(null,anotherthing)) .then(c.bind(null,somethingelse));
note: bind not available on ie8 or earlier - there's polyfill -
for info - in es2015 - iojs let enable arrow functions, apparently broken in way
return a(thing) .then(() => b(anotherthing)) .then(() => c(somethingelse));
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