json - ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small - Convert Clob to varchar2 -

im getting error while trying convert clob varchar2 using api.

the 'body' field im trying retrieve clob, want convert varchar2(1000).

please advice why error occurred :

       merge xxx d                  using (                        select                                 v_ticket_id ticket_id,                               json_ext.get_number(json(value(s)),'id') comment_id,                               json_ext.get_number(json(value(s)),'author_id') author_id ,                                dbms_lob.substr(json_ext.get_string(json(value(s)),'body'),1000,1) body,                               json_ext.get_string(json(value(s)),'via.channel')channel,                               case when lower(json(value(s)).get('public').to_char()) = 'true' 1 else 0 end  is_public,                               to_date(replace(replace(json_ext.get_string(json(value(s)),'created_at'),'t',' '),'z',null), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') created_at,                               sysdate                               table(pkg.sf_retreive_data('retreive').list_data) s) s                  on (d.ticket_id = s.ticket_id , d.comment_id = s.comment_id)                  when matched                                 update set   author_id = s.author_id,                                    body = s.body,                                    channel = s.channel,                                    is_public = s.is_public,                                    created_at = s.created_at,                                     bi_updated_time = sysdate                  when not matched                                 insert (ticket_id,comment_id,author_id ,body,channel,is_public,created_at,bi_updated_time)                       values                              (s.ticket_id,s.comment_id,s.author_id,s.body,s.channel,s.is_public,s.created_at,sysdate);                commit;   

and error : error: ora-06502: pl/sql: numeric or value error: character string buffer small


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