python - jinja2: TemplateSyntaxError: expected token ',', got 'string' -

i new jinja2 , having issue using python regular expression (re). in following code bold lines have error string in them.

  {% block content %}     <div class="container">       {% l in lines %}          {% if"error", l) %}  {# <<< throws error #}             <b> {{ l }} </b>          {% else %}             {{ l }} <hr>          {% endif %}       {% endfor %}     </div>  {% endblock %} 

the above throws following error:

jinja2.exceptions.templatesyntaxerror templatesyntaxerror: expected token ',', got 'string' 

raw python code not supported in jinja2 template syntax.

{% if"error", l) %} 

replace line with

{% if "error" in l %} 

can fix problem.

if logical condition more complicated, should consider defining own custom filters(which can call python code) or complicated things in view layer. go check global namespace.


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