c# - WCF NetTCPBinding in a Load Balanced Environment; what is the correct configuration? -

i have been battling resolve wcf issues on our production servers. 1 of errors thrown "the server rejected upgrade request." among other weird errors i'm receiving. our applications runs on citrix environment front end , our application servers host our wcf services. have 2 application servers set load balancing , kemp server supports sticky ip's since using nettcpbinding. however, not sure if have configured our nettcp settings correctly application uses 100% cpu, when more 5 users log onto application. after iisreset, takes hour re-occur. please find below configuration of nettcpbinding below:

<bindings>   <nettcpbinding>     <binding name="nettcplargebindingendpoint"              closetimeout="00:05:00"              opentimeout="00:05:00"              receivetimeout="00:15:00"              sendtimeout="00:15:00"              transactionflow="false"              transfermode="buffered"              transactionprotocol="oletransactions"              hostnamecomparisonmode="strongwildcard"              maxbufferpoolsize="2147483647"              maxbuffersize="2147483647"              maxreceivedmessagesize="2147483647"              listenbacklog="10"              portsharingenabled="false"             >       <reliablesession enabled="false"/>       <readerquotas maxarraylength="2147483647" maxstringcontentlength="2147483647" />       <security mode="transport">         <transport clientcredentialtype="windows" />         <message clientcredentialtype="username" algorithmsuite="default" />       </security>     </binding>   </nettcpbinding> </bindings> 

i have tried searching articles correct settings have nettcpbindng, not luck , helpful msdn article:

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/hh273122(v=vs.100).aspx there i'm doing wrong in these settings? please assist


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