linq - Check whether a string is in a list at any order in C# -
if have list of strings following code:
list<string> xall = new list<string>(); xall.add("#10#20"); xall.add("#20#30#40"); string s = "#30#20";//<- same #20#30 same "#20#30#40" means s exist in list //check un-ordered string s= #30#20 // if contained @ order #30#20 or #20#30 ..... return true :it exist if (xall.contains(s)) { console.writeline("your string exist"); }
i prefer use linq check s in regard exist, no matter how order in list, contains both (#30) , (#20) [at least] in list xall.
i using
var c = item2.intersect(item1); if (c.count() == item1.length) { return true; }
this works me:
func<string, string[]> split = x => x.split(new [] { '#' }, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries); if (xall.any(x => split(x).intersect(split(s)).count() == split(s).count())) { console.writeline("your string exist"); }
now, depending on you want handle duplicates, might better solution:
func<string, hashset<string>> split = x => new hashset<string>(x.split( new [] { '#' }, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries)); if (xall.any(x => split(s).issubsetof(split(x)))) { console.writeline("your string exist"); }
this second approach uses pure set theory strips duplicates.
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