c# - Error after upgrading ASP.Net WebAPI nuget package -
i have updated webapi nuget package 5.2.2 5.2.3 , started getting error, the type 'system.web.http.apicontroller' exists in both 'c:\program files (x86)\microsoft asp.net\asp.net mvc 4\assemblies\system.web.http.dll' , '\packages\microsoft.aspnet.webapi.core.5.2.3\lib\net45\system.web.http.dll' i tried cleaning solution/deleting reference , stuff not working. please help. update#: reverting packages helped. still not sure if missed in upgrade. i got same problem when getting microsoft.aspnet.webapi. at nuget package manager console write this: update-package -projectname 'yourprojectnamegoeshere' -reinstall this update packages , solve problem.i hope helps