ruby - How do I transfer from using state_machine to assm? Rails App -

i have code written using state_machine gem how make equivalent code using assm gem?

 state_machine :state, initial: :pending         after_transition on: :accept, do: :send_acceptance_email          state :requested          event :accept             transition => :accepted         end     end 

this whats done after accepting friendship request

def self.request(user1, user2)       transaction         friendship1 = create!(user: user1, friend: user2, state: 'pending')         friendship2 = create!(user: user1, friend: user2, state: 'requested')          friendship1.send_request_email         friendship1        end     end       def send_request_email         usernotifier.friend_requested(id).deliver     end      def send_acceptance_email         usernotifier.friend_accepted(id).deliver      end 


has_many :friends, through: :user_friendships,                        conditions: { user_friendships: { state: 'accepted' } }      has_many :pending_user_friendships, class_name: 'userfriendship',                                         foreign_key: :user_id,                                         conditions: { state: 'pending' }      has_many :pending_friends, through: :pending_user_friendships, source: :friend 

you need include line in model

include aasm 

#though used status column state machine, can try state column using. hope wont issue.

aasm column: 'state', initial: :pending, whiny_transitions: true   state :requested # im not seeing event set state   state :accepted    #if want trigger request event state add   event :request,   after: { send_request_email }       transitions to: :requested end     #if want trigger accepted state state   event :accept,   after: { send_acceptance_email }       transitions to: :accepted end    #if want trigger accepted state requeste state   event :accept,   after: { send_acceptance_email }      transitions from: :requested,   to: :accepted  end  end 

if don't exceptions , prefer simple true or false response, tell aasm not whiny:

:whiny_transitions => false 



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