python - Creating an image from a dictionary using PIL -
i have dictionary maps coordinate tuples (in range (0,0) (199, 199) grayscale values (integers between 0 , 255.) there way create pil image has specified values @ specified coordinates? i'd prefer solution uses pil 1 uses scipy.
as martineau suggests putpixel()
ok when you're modifying few random pixels, it's not efficient building whole images. approach similar his, except use list of ints , .putdata()
. here's code test these 3 different approaches.
from pil import image random import seed, randint width, height = 200, 200 background = 0 seed(42) d = dict(((x, y), randint(0, 255)) x in range(width) y in range(height)) algorithm = 2 print('algorithm', algorithm) if algorithm == 0: im ='l', (width, height)) in d: im.putpixel(i, d[i]) elif algorithm == 1: buff = bytearray((background _ in xrange(width * height))) (x,y), v in d.items(): buff[y*width + x] = v im = image.frombytes('l', (width,height), str(buff)) elif algorithm == 2: data = [background] * width * height in d: x, y = data[x + y * width] = d[i] im ='l', (width, height)) im.putdata(data) fname = 'qrand%d.png' % algorithm print(fname, 'saved')
here typical timings on 2ghz machine running python 2.6.6
$ time ./ algorithm 0 qrand0.png saved real 0m0.926s user 0m0.768s sys 0m0.040s $ time ./ algorithm 1 qrand1.png saved real 0m0.733s user 0m0.548s sys 0m0.020s $ time ./ algorithm 2 qrand2.png saved real 0m0.638s user 0m0.520s sys 0m0.032s
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