windows 7 x64 - QVTKWidgetPlugin in QT Creator 5.4 -

i'm working qt 5.4 , vtk 6.2 have problems qvtkwidgetplugin. specifically, can see qvtkwidget option in qt designer don't see in qt creator when work file .ui. copied qvtkwidgetplugin.dll in c:\qt\5.4\msvc2013_64\bin , in c:\qt\5.4\msvc2013_64\plugins\designer , qvtkwidgetplugin.lib in c:\qt\5.4\msvc2013_64\lib don't know wrong. please! thanks! :)

p.s.: work on windows 7 x64

first, need make sure compiling plugin same settings used compile qt creator, may not same the ones using (qt version, visual studio version, 32/64bits).

to see information, in qt creator go help, , select qt creator. tell settings used compile it. example, downloaded qt5.6 vs2015 64 bits, included qt creator (v3.6.1) compiled using qt5.6 vs2013 32bits. can see, not compiled using same toolset installed.


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