android - Google Play Game Services Snapshot bitmap size -

i have created game android uses google play game services. 1 of things use save games or snapshot functionality.

to create new snapshot use code below.

snapshotmetadatachange metadatachange = new snapshotmetadatachange.builder()                 .setdescription(description)                 .setprogressvalue(savegame.getprogressinlevel())                 .setcoverimage(savegame.coverimage)                 .build();         games.snapshots.commitandclose(gamehelper.getapiclient(), savegameresult.snapshot, metadatachange); 

one of thinks save in snapshot cover image.

now i'm seeing problem reports outofmemoryerror's. causing cover image big. so, question here is: requirements of bitmap? how big can be? resolution can have? , aspect ration best?

i unable find answers on in documentation google.

"google play games services enforce size limits on binary data , cover image sizes of 3 mb , 800 kb respectively."

this information can found in link.

i think cover image size more 800 kb. hope helps.


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