c# - Extracting same properites to style in WPF XAML -

i'm stuck extracting properties element's style in xaml file. have many repeated blocks like:

<controls:roundabletoggleradiobutton style="{staticresource roundabletoggleradiobuttonstyle}"> <stackpanel>     <image width="32"            margin="2"            source="images/inbox_upload.png" />     <textblock margin="2"                foreground="white"                text="extract"                textalignment="center" /> </stackpanel> 

so want extract same properties every button style , able change image , text. this:

<setter property="contenttemplate"> <setter.value>     <datatemplate>         <stackpanel>             <image width="32"                    margin="2" />             <textblock margin="2"                        foreground="white"                        textalignment="center" />         </stackpanel>     </datatemplate> </setter.value> 

<controls:roundabletoggleradiobutton style="{staticresource roundabletoggleradiobuttonstyle}"> <stackpanel>     <image source="images/inbox_upload.png" />     <textblock text="extract"/> </stackpanel> 

so possible @ all? or there workarounds? help)))

create new class inherits button

public class imagetextbutton : button {     public static readonly dependencyproperty iconproperty =         dependencyproperty.register("icon", typeof (imagesource), typeof (imagetextbutton), null);      public static readonly dependencyproperty textproperty =         dependencyproperty.register("text", typeof (string), typeof (imagetextbutton), null);      public imagetextbutton()     {         this.defaultstylekey = typeof(imagetextbutton);     }      public imagesource icon     {         { return (imagesource) getvalue(iconproperty); }         set { setvalue(iconproperty, value); }     }      public string text     {         { return (string) getvalue(textproperty); }         set { setvalue(textproperty, value); }     } } 


<window x:class="wpfapplication3.mainwindow"     xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"     xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"     xmlns:wpfapplication3="clr-namespace:wpfapplication3"     title="mainwindow" height="350" width="525"> <window.resources>     <style targettype="{x:type wpfapplication3:imagetextbutton}">         <setter property="template">             <setter.value>                 <controltemplate targettype="{x:type wpfapplication3:imagetextbutton}">                     <stackpanel height="auto" orientation="horizontal">                         <image source="{templatebinding icon}" stretch="fill"/>                         <textblock text="{templatebinding text}"/>                     </stackpanel>                 </controltemplate>             </setter.value>         </setter>     </style> </window.resources> <grid>     <wpfapplication3:imagetextbutton text="submit" icon="hydrangeas.jpg"></wpfapplication3:imagetextbutton> </grid> 

instead of creating new text property can use content property of button.


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