php - Routing requests to laravel from angular under Grunt config -
we on project angular , laravel 5 our environment frameworks , implementing using api workflow. using grunt bower configure dependencies project. project structure below.
--projectdir |_angulardir |_start |_bower_components |_node_modules //front end dependencies |_gruntfile.js |_public //laravel public dir
we have kept laravel , angular code independent complete mvc architecture , api benefits.
we start app using grunt serve
, application loads first angular route , loads on localhost:9000
configured port.
this has login screen.after entering username , password, call route http://localhost:projectdir/public/login
laravel grunt server not have access laravel code localhost:9000 won't work. authenticates user against database.
public function auth() { $rowinput =request::all(); $input = \request::only('', 'customer.password'); if(auth::attempt(array_get($input, 'customer'))) { //var_dump(session::all()); return \response::json(['status'=>'success','url'=>$rowinput['customer']['redirecturl']]); }else { // return response::json(array('flash' => 'invalid username or password'), 500); return \response::json(['status'=>'fail','url'=>$rowinput['customer']['redirecturl']]); // return "fail"; } }
this route goes , validates user not start session. hence when next route triggered user session absent , user again redirected login form.
if dump session values shows in attempt method, if go previous route,user session not present. how configure routes on server side serve requests , persist session?
request response headers
remote address: request url:http://localhost/project_dir/public/user/check request method:post status code:200 ok response headers view source access-control-allow-origin:http://localhost:9000 cache-control:no-cache connection:keep-alive content-length:4 content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8 date:wed, 29 jul 2015 10:30:33 gmt keep-alive:timeout=5, max=99 server:apache/2.4.9 (win64) php/5.5.12 set- cookie:laravel_session=fgdgdgdfgfgdxudrra3e1nxdcl25oekjvslbrpt0ilcj2ywx1zsi6ilvawgf6nmdsv1wvz3ncl1ftvkr5y2j3czlqnukyawdxzljmeg5zk2u2c0lqm2vomey5s000cvwvetbvazbwvfnszxlhzmhwseuxulrymvjide5tce5jm2fdsfsfdsfsfsdfsfsdfsfzin0%3d; expires=wed, 29-jul-2015 12:30:33 gmt; max-age=7200; path=/; domain=http://localhost:9000/; httponly vary:origin x-powered-by:php/5.5.12 request headers view source accept:application/json, text/plain, */* accept-encoding:gzip, deflate accept-language:en-us,en;q=0.8 cache-control:max-age=0 connection:keep-alive content-length:0 host:localhost origin:http://localhost:9000 referer:http://localhost:9000/ user-agent:mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, gecko) chrome/44.0.2403.107 safari/537.36 firephp/4chrome x-firephp-version:0.0.6 x-wf-max-combined-size:261120
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