process - How can I use java code to compile java file in other folder? -

i trying use java's

process p = runtime.getruntime().exec(command);  

to compile .java files in other folder, not work.
main.class in folder a, , .java files in folder a/test.

main.class :

public class main{     public static void main( string[] args )                 throws ioexception,interruptedexception{         string line ="";         string command = "javac test/*.java";         process pro = runtime.getruntime().exec(command);         bufferedreader in = new bufferedreader(                 new inputstreamreader( pro.getinputstream()));         while ((line = in.readline()) != null) {             system.out.println(line);         }         bufferedreader er = new bufferedreader(                 new inputstreamreader( pro.geterrorstream()));         while ((line = er.readline()) != null) {             system.out.println(line);         }     } } 

and error stream shows:

javac: file not found: test/*.java 

why happen? there java file in folder test

  1. in case java doesn't work * wildcard, shell. means transform * -> list of file_names manually , exec() every particular file.

  2. also aware on classpath. if run class form ide, classpath different expect (same folder in class placed).


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