c++ - How to have Eclipse console show the same GoogleTests output as in the terminal? -
i use googletest extensively , output in cosole looks this:
when run same within eclipse (using eclipse mars latest of today) following output no colors , junk characters (are not visible pasting output here):
running main() gtest_main.cc [0;32m[==========] [mrunning 3 tests 1 test case. [0;32m[----------] [mglobal test environment set-up. [0;32m[----------] [m3 tests nloptadaptersuite [0;32m[ run ] [mnloptadaptersuite.testquadraticfunction1 [0;32m[ ok ] [mnloptadaptersuite.testquadraticfunction1 (1 ms) [0;32m[ run ] [mnloptadaptersuite.testquadraticfunction1withnoise [0;32m[ ok ] [mnloptadaptersuite.testquadraticfunction1withnoise (1 ms) [0;32m[ run ] [mnloptadaptersuite.testquadraticfunction2 [0;32m[ ok ] [mnloptadaptersuite.testquadraticfunction2 (1 ms) [0;32m[----------] [m3 tests nloptadaptersuite (3 ms total) [0;32m[----------] [mglobal test environment tear-down [0;32m[==========] [m3 tests 1 test case ran. (3 ms total) [0;32m[ passed ] [m3 tests.
how can fixed have same output?
the ansi escape in console plugin greg-449 linked above worked great me. after installing it, gtest output looks like:
i'm on neon.2 (eclipse 4.6.2).
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