ios - Vote implementation in parse -
i stuck long time. trying implement vote feature in collection view. if user taps button adds 1 vote parse , shows on label. code when parse dashboard see new row create , number of votes not going post
my code cell
import uikit import parseui import parse var votes = [pfobject]() class newcollectionviewcell: uicollectionviewcell { var parseobject = pfobject(classname: "posts") @iboutlet weak var postsimageview: pfimageview! @iboutlet weak var postslabel: uilabel! @iboutlet weak var voteslabel:uilabel? override func awakefromnib() { super.awakefromnib() // initialization code postslabel.textalignment = print("passing11") } @ibaction func vote(sender: anyobject) { if let votes = parseobject.objectforkey("votes") as? int { parseobject.setobject(votes + 1, forkey: "votes") parseobject.saveinbackgroundwithtarget(nil, selector: nil) voteslabel?.text = "\(votes + 1) votes" print("passing22") } else { parseobject.setobject(1, forkey: "votes") parseobject.saveinbackgroundwithtarget(nil, selector: nil) voteslabel?.text = "1 votes" print("passing33") } }}
and collection view
if let votes = parseobject.objectforkey("votes") as? int { cell.voteslabel?.text = "\(votes) votes" } else { cell.voteslabel?.text = "0 votes" } return cell }
how can make work? thank you.
from remember in parse project. if need retrieve , update existing row in parse need create pfquery object first , retrieve desired row using query object. , can update "vote" or whatever attribute value want to. kindly try that.
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