javascript - Polymer 1.0 can't access elements within nested <template> element -

i using polymer 1.0 , building small accordion example. have data binding accordion text fine, want change icon of accordion when click it.

below code

<dom-module id="ab-accordion">   <template>     <iron-ajax                     auto       handle-as="json"       on-response="handleresponse"       debounce-duration="300"       id="ajaxreq"></iron-ajax>      <template is="dom-repeat" id="accordion" items="{{items}}" as="item">       <div class="accordion"  on-click="toggleparentacc">         <div id="accordion_header" class="accordion__header is-collapsed">           <i class="icon icon--chevron-down"></i>           <span>{{}}</span>         </div>         <div id="standard_accordion_body" class="accordion__body can-collapse">           <div class="accordion__content">             <content id="content"></content>           </div>         </div>       </div>     </template>   </template>      <script>     polymer({       is: "ab-accordion",       //properties element       properties: {         accordian: object,         childaccordions: object,         // param passed in element - set if accordion open default.         open: string,         data: string,         requrl: {           type: string,           value: ""         },       },       ready: function () {         this.items = [];       },       attached: function () {         // run once element attached dom.       },       toggleparentacc: function (event) { // toggle classes of accordions         //this want toggle  class         this.$.accordion_header.classlist.toggle('is-collapsed');         if (typeof event !== 'undefined') {           event.stoppropagation(); // stop click going parent.         }       },       handleresponse: function (e) {         this.items = e.detail.response.sports;       }     });   </script> </dom-module> 

basically inside toggleparentacc function want toggle class of div id accordion_header. undefined or null.

i have tried following 2 lines:

this.$.accordion_header // #1 this.$$('#accordion_header') // #2 

how access element inside dom-repeat?

update: can't access elements within when inside attached function.

attached: function(){  this.$.accordion_header // null?!  this.$$('#accordion_header'); // null! }

note: nodes created dynamically using data binding (including in dom-repeat , dom-if templates) not added this.$ hash. hash includes statically created local dom nodes (that is, nodes defined in element’s outermost template).

i think better if you'd use polymer.dom(this.root) instead. i'd advice not use static ids in dom-repeat meant unique. use classes instead.


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