Grails 3.0 / IntelliJ 14.1.4 creating controllers, services, domain classes not working -
when try create grails domain class, controller (anything, really) using intellij 14.1.4 results in failures gradle commands intellij calling, instance:
9:29:45 am: executing external task 'grails-create-domain-class -pgrailsargs="koos --non-interactive -plain-output"'... failure: build failed exception. * went wrong: task 'grails-create-domain-class' not found in root project 'koos'. * try: run gradle tasks list of available tasks. run --stacktrace option stack trace. run --info or --debug option more log output. build failed total time: 1.326 secs task 'grails-create-domain-class' not found in root project 'koos'. 9:29:47 am: external task execution finished 'grails-create-domain-class -pgrailsargs="koos --non-interactive -plain-output"'.
the gradle project pulled in, grails view active on project. is intellij bug? doing wrong? if call directly on cli fails.
these steps reproduce error: install grails 3.0 using gvm tool:
gvm install grails
check version:
grails --version
grails version: 3.0.4 groovy version: 2.4.4 jvm version: 1.8.0_45
create app:
grails create-app koos
after pulling needed jars intertubes, says application created create idea projects:
gradle idea
then open project intellij. after configuring gradle import, right-clicking on domains , selecting "create domain class" results in error.
actually intellij 14.1.4 still not support command line command of grails 3.0.x think build system gradle fact. intellij idea can not apply build system grails yet.
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