Android Youtube API V3 cast exception when Release+Proguard ON -

i have android app utilises method. application works fine when in "debug" , when proguard disabled in "release".

when proguard turned on (minifyenabled true), following exception when iterate list of searchresult class cannot cast 

i set following rules in proguard-rules (according advice in comments in question "android proguard makes youtube api oauth disabled?")

-keep class** {     *; } 

the following code segment retrieves list < searchresult > . part works fine (searchresultlist.size() returns 25).

youtube = new youtube.builder(new nethttptransport(),                               new jacksonfactory(),                               request->{})                      .setapplicationname("youtube-search")                      .build();  search =                 .list("id,snippet")                 .setkey(developerkey.developer_key)                 .setq("test")                  .setmaxresults(25);   searchlistresponse searchresponse = search.execute();  list<searchresult> searchresultlist = searchresponse.getitems() 

the following loop cause error occur

for (searchresult r: searchresultlist){     // program throws exception in "release" proguard on. } 

any insights appreciated.

i have same problem while building proguard, add line in proguard rule :

-keepattributes signature 

and works me.

from proguard official site :

for example, should @ least keep exceptions, innerclasses, , signature attributes when processing library.


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