How to get exact number of line from where the method called in iOS? -
i want exact number of line method being called.
i have single method called multiple line in command different different lines. so, need line being called in controller
i have used following code stack overflow
, passing me wrong line number:
nsstring *sourcestring = [[nsthread callstacksymbols] objectatindex:1]; // example: 1 uikit 0x00540c89 -[uiapplication _callinitializationdelegatesforurl:payload:suspended:] + 1163 nscharacterset *separatorset = [nscharacterset charactersetwithcharactersinstring:@" -[]+?.,"]; nsmutablearray *array = [nsmutablearray arraywitharray:[sourcestring componentsseparatedbycharactersinset:separatorset]]; [array removeobject:@""]; nslog(@"stack = %@", [array objectatindex:0]); nslog(@"framework = %@", [array objectatindex:1]); nslog(@"memory address = %@", [array objectatindex:2]); nslog(@"class caller = %@", [array objectatindex:3]); nslog(@"function caller = %@", [array objectatindex:4]); nslog(@"line caller = %@", [array objectatindex:5]);
so, how exact number of line method called in ios?
nslog((@"%s [line %d] "), __pretty_function__, __line__);
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