javascript - how to change the pattern of the datetime-local provided in the html input -
html input of datetime type is
datefield: <input type="datetime-local" data-date="" data-date-format="dd mmmm yyyy, h:mm:ss">
script contains below code.
$("input").val(moment().format('yyyy-mm-dd, h:mm:ss')); $("input").on("change", function() { this.setattribute( "data-date", moment(this.value) .format( this.getattribute("data-date-format") ) ) }).trigger("change")
i have referred
wherein date pattern can changed. in similar way, tried use type="datetime-local" doesn't work. how resolve this.
the date picker returns year, month, , day.
console.log(this.value); //returns 2015-08-09
you're asking , additionally hours, minutes, seconds: date picker cannot do.
i'm guessing want use current time h:mm:ss? in code set moment's now.
$("input").val(moment().format('yyyy-mm-dd, h:mm:ss'));
but occurs once, you'd need move line inside on change event.
however, there's no bridge allows add 2 moments together, because won't make sense. adding today + tomorrow double current year, month, etc. instead have use moment.duration(). moment defined single points in time, durations defined length of time. wrote function targeting values need.
function nowasduration(){ return moment.duration({ hours: moment().hour(), minutes: moment().minute(), seconds: moment().second() }); }
now can use moment.add().
var = moment(this.value); var b = nowasduration(); var c = a.add(b);
updated code.
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