How to publish the angularjs project from Webstorm -

there lot out there on how webstorm great editing angular, , built-in template quite good; however, can't find on do when i'm happy app.

say create default template, how can nice folder structure app can ftp remote server?

better yet, possible 'compile' (package) entire angular dependancies , modules 1 .js file , example have index.html reference somehow?

you can inspire excellent yeoman generator.

i'm using , when i'm done coding , testing gulp serve release app compiling source code gulp build command.

architecture follow , found that's 1 :

├──  src/ │   ├──  app/ │   │   ├──  components/ │   │   │   └──  navbar/ │   │   │   │   ├──  navbar.controller.js │   │   │   │   └──  navbar.html │   │   ├──  main/ │   │   │   ├──  main.controller.js │   │   │   ├──  main.controller.spec.js │   │   │   └──  main.html │   │   └──  index.js │   │   └──  index.(css|less|scss) │   │   └──  vendor.(css|less|scss) │   ├──  assets/ │   │   └──  images/ │   ├──  404.html │   ├──  favico.ico │   └──  index.html ├──  gulp/ ├──  e2e/ ├──  bower_components/ ├──  nodes_modules/ ├──  .bowerrc ├──  .editorconfig ├──  .gitignore ├──  .jshintrc ├──  bower.json ├──  gulpfile.js ├──  karma.conf.js ├──  package.json ├──  protractor.conf.js 

once you've run gulp build js files compiled 1 unique index.js file , style files. vendor scripts included bower compiled 1 , stored in vendor.js file in dist directory.


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