uisearchbar - How to implement searchBar and its delegate method in ios -

// viewdidload code initialize searchbar code

 - (void)viewdidload {         [super viewdidload];         [self setupinitialview];         [self setinitialview];      self.tblfeedtable.contentoffset = cgpointmake(0, self.searchbarcontroll.frame.size.height - self.tblfeedtable.contentoffset.y); self.searchbarcontroll = [[uisearchbar alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(0, 0, 320, 44)]; self.searchbarcontroll.delegate = self; self.tblfeedtable.tableheaderview = self.searchbarcontroll;      }      - (void)searchbartextdidbeginediting:(uisearchbar *)searchbar     {          //   when curson focuse     }      - (void)searchbarcancelbuttonclicked:(uisearchbar *) searchbar     {         // when cancel button click     }      -(void)searchbartextdidendediting:(uisearchbar *)searchbar     {         [searchbar setshowscancelbutton:no animated:yes];     } 

is there other delegate methods 1 want suggest me improve search experience?

thanks in advance.


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