matlab - Sparse matrix and linear algebra with c++ -
i'm converting program matlab visual c++ (community edition) see how faster can run. original program runs days @ time...
although i'm experienced matlab, know basic c++ ask linear algebra functions need. saw thing: i'm not sure if best option me.
my matlab program looks in principal:
1. 30*30 pixel image big pre-loaded list of images. 2. pad image random number of zeros (to 60*60). 3. crop padded image randomly. 4. down-sample cropped image. 5. run line: = + 0.1*(sin(a) + w*a + z*y); 6. repeat 7 million times.
where column vector of length 1000. w 1000*1000 sparse matrix. z 1000*30 full matrix. y 30*1 vector.
so need functions for:
- padding matrix
- cropping matrix
- down-sampling matrix
- multiplying , adding matrices , sparse matrices.
what specific library / functions recommend? keep in mind know little c++ please give urls if needed.
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