ios - How can I "remove" the embed segue in my container view, or remove the container view completely? -

i have splashviewcontroller containerview, created in storyboard.

in story board, automatically drag embed segue containerview profileviewcontroller.

inside splashviewcontroller, want programatically "destroy" containerview + profileviewcontroller(both of them).

i've tried this:

self.containerview.hidden = true //obviously doesn't work. it's visual self.containerview.removefromsuperview() //nope. it's visual. 

how can remove both containerview and profileviewcontroller completely, making sure both deinit appropriately? if that's not possible, can @ least deinit profileviewcontroller? (i'll set containerview hidden).

note: play movie video automatically (looping) in profileviewcontroller. has sound, , when set containerview nil , remove superview, sound keeps playing.

i wrote quick example project here demonstrating solution here. autoplaying video (with dog barking) automatically plays in bottom of screen. pressing "stop player" button removes child uiviewcontroller , container.

mpmovieplayercontroller finished playing audio after movieplayer stopped or set nil (although not deallocated if internal part of mpmovieplayercontroller held strong reference suspect problem).

anyway, found workaround setting contenturl of movie player nil on deinit before calling movieplayer.stop()

//the `profileviewcontroller` created in storyboard child of `viewcontroller`.  class viewcontroller: uiviewcontroller {      @iboutlet weak var container: uiview?      @ibaction func stopplayer(sender: uibutton) {                     //we remove child view controller (the profileviewcontroller) parent         controller in self.childviewcontrollers {             if let child = controller as? profileviewcontroller {                 child.removefromparentviewcontroller() //this causes deinit call                 container?.removefromsuperview() //clear container (stays black box otherwise)             }         }     } } 

in profileviewcontroller, have change contenturl , stop our movie player

class profileviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller {      lazy var movieplayer: mpmovieplayercontroller = {         let path = nsbundle.mainbundle().pathforresource("testmovie", oftype: "mp4")!         let movieplayer = mpmovieplayercontroller(contenturl: nsurl(fileurlwithpath: path)!)         movieplayer.moviesourcetype = .file         movieplayer.preparetoplay()         movieplayer.view.frame = self.view.frame         return movieplayer     }()      override func viewdidappear(animated: bool) {         view.addsubview(movieplayer.view)          //looping         nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().addobserver(self, selector: "movieplayerdidfinish:", name:mpmovieplayerplaybackdidfinishnotification, object: movieplayer)     }      //change our contenturl stop     deinit {         movieplayer.contenturl = nil         movieplayer.stop()     }      @objc func movieplayerdidfinish(notification: nsnotification) {         let reasonint = notification.userinfo![mpmovieplayerplaybackdidfinishreasonuserinfokey] as! int         let reason = mpmoviefinishreason(rawvalue: reasonint)         if (reason == mpmoviefinishreason.playbackended) {            }     } } 

tested on iphone 5 device , on simulator


  1. remove container uiview calling removefromsuperview
  2. the mpmovieplayercontroller keeps playing audio after being stopped, bug. workaround setting contenturl stopping


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