android - debug.log for XposedBridge? -
i work on application xposedbridge , have lot of questions. start simple ones.
how can debug.log file?
i cannot find debug.log file. have tried phone shell 2 adb ways : a. adb shell data/data/ b. adb shell "su -c 'cat data/data/'" c. adb shell cat data/data/
adb says : " no such file or directory "
the phone shell can cd /data , /data/data not after. cannot ls neither of data's. says access denied. adb when try adb ls.
the phone, moto e xt1023, rooted. despite, shell cannot read directories. have posted question why here no 1 seems care answer.
i had go es file explorer. managed /data. es says folder empty. managed emulator/0/ or alike. there subdirectory called files. inside installer. no debug.log.
searched directories es debug.log. nothing found.
once create xposedbridge class in separate file of project , once whatever xposedbridge supposed (override methods, insert code before , or after methods, etcetera) overridden methods or methods code run before , or after or overridden data continue overridden until app exits. true?
is there simple, yet powerful , comprehensive manual or reference or, best, tutorial?
can specify directory debug.log.file?
in case able make directory \data\data manually, make xposed save debug.log there?
i happy have managed partially answer first question not related xposedbridge global root reach question rooted phones, cannot think of other questions now. not have debug.log have error.log , know how read these. here how in case interested :
in order able reed xposedbridge log files :
go specialised moto e adb ( may work standard 1 ).
type :
************ * adb root * ************
to ensure root access.
the dollar sign $ must appear sign before commands. $ means adb shell environment has been entered.
after $, type :
****** * su * ******
the sharp sign # must appear sign before commands. # means root has been entered. once root has been entered, there full access phone. :
************************************************** * cd /data/data/ * **************************************************
can executed , directory /data/data/ entered.
type :
****** * ls * ******
to see contents of directory.
in case error.log or debug.log files there, type :
***************** * cat error.log * *****************
and or
***************** * cat debug.log * *****************
to view these files.
type :
******** * exit * ********
to return safer $ prompt.
type :
******** * exit * ********
to exit adb.
note : adb root may not run while project developed. rest works, though.
i still not have debug.log. may xposedbridge lines not run. check simple method manual.
here have found out, though. have created empty text file called debug.log on computer , transferred file main root of device, /sdcard directory, themn copied file /data/data/ see happens. nothing happens. file empty.
here have found out may helpful:
commands read log files :
adb shell su cd /data/data/ cat error.log
use cp source destination after su shell, # prompt, copy files 1
directory on device.
important notes :
all xposed classes must put in xposed_init, otherwise android studio 1.2 reports them never used.
in built.gradle, have :
/* ssb : added manually gradle builds xposedbridgeapi-54.jar in app -> libs not include jar in apk. */ dependencies { provided filetree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) }
these have been put manually.
update : have been able clean code , have managed find why not have debug.log. because 2 xposedbridge classes have ( 1 initialisation of zygote , other work file hooks , replacements ) not loaded. error.log shows : didn't find class " package ( strts without com. ) nameofthepackagewithoutcomdot.nameoftheexposedclass in nameofthepackagewithoutcomdot-2.apk "
this said 2 classes.
problem partially solved:
i have removed string " package " xposed_init , solved problem. thus, instead of :
package thenameofthepackage.thenameoftheclass
xposed_init contains :
without word " package " in front of names android studio puts , requires.
now, custom class seems load ok , xmain zygote init generates novel.
regardless, custom class test code works ok. debug.log file generated. however, application not seem write in file , debug.log says :
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