The Cost of C++ Exceptions and setjmp/longjmp -
i wrote test measure cost of c++ exceptions threads.
#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <thread> static const int n = 100000; static void dosomething(int& n) { --n; throw 1; } static void throwmanymanytimes() { int n = n; while (n) { try { dosomething(n); } catch (int n) { switch (n) { case 1: continue; default: std::cout << "error" << std::endl; std::exit(exit_failure); } } } } int main(void) { int ncpus = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); std::vector<std::thread> threads(ncpus); (int = 0; < ncpus; ++i) { threads[i] = std::thread(throwmanymanytimes); } (int = 0; < ncpus; ++i) { threads[i].join(); } return exit_success; }
here's c version wrote fun.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <glib.h> #define n 100000 static gprivate jumpbuffer; static void dosomething(volatile int *pn) { jmp_buf *pjb = g_private_get(&jumpbuffer); --*pn; longjmp(*pjb, 1); } static void *throwmanymanytimes(void *p) { jmp_buf jb; volatile int n = n; (void)p; g_private_set(&jumpbuffer, &jb); while (n) { switch (setjmp(jb)) { case 0: dosomething(&n); case 1: continue; default: printf("error\n"); exit(exit_failure); } } return null; } int main(void) { int ncpus = g_get_num_processors(); gthread *threads[ncpus]; int i; (i = 0; < ncpus; ++i) { threads[i] = g_thread_new(null, throwmanymanytimes, null); } (i = 0; < ncpus; ++i) { g_thread_join(threads[i]); } return exit_success; }
the c++ version runs slow compared c version.
$ g++ -o3 -g -std=c++11 test.cpp -o cpp-test -pthread $ gcc -o3 -g -std=c89 test.c -o c-test `pkg-config glib-2.0 --cflags --libs` $ time ./cpp-test real 0m1.089s user 0m2.345s sys 0m1.637s $ time ./c-test real 0m0.024s user 0m0.067s sys 0m0.000s
so ran callgrind profiler.
for cpp-test
, __cxz_throw
called 400,000 times self-cost of 8,000,032.
for c-test
, __longjmp_chk
called 400,000 times self-cost of 5,600,000.
the whole cost of cpp-test
the whole cost of c-test
i guess more saving state of jump-point , later resuming done c++ exceptions. couldn't test larger n
because callgrind profiler run forever c++ test.
what cost involved in c++ exceptions making many times slower setjmp
pair @ least in example?
this design.
c++ exceptions expected exceptional in nature , optimized thusly. program compiled efficient when exception not happen.
you can verify commenting out exception tests.
in c++:
//throw 1; $ g++ -o3 -g -std=c++11 test.cpp -o cpp-test -pthread $ time ./cpp-test real 0m0.003s user 0m0.004s sys 0m0.000s
in c:
/*longjmp(*pjb, 1);*/ $ gcc -o3 -g -std=c89 test.c -o c-test `pkg-config glib-2.0 --cflags --libs` $ time ./c-test real 0m0.008s user 0m0.012s sys 0m0.004s
what cost involved in c++ exceptions making many times slower setjmp/longjmp pair @ least in example?
g++ implements zero-cost model exceptions, have no effective overhead* when exception not thrown. machine code produced if there no try
the cost of zero-overhead table lookup must performed on program counter when exception is thrown, determine jump appropriate code performing stack unwinding. puts entire try
block implementation within code performing throw
your cost table lookup.
*some minor timing voodoo may occur, presence of pc lookup table may affect memory layout, may affect cpu cache misses.
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