python - Where do i put the config file for flake8 on Windows? -

i installed flake8 work home on windows machine, don't know put configuration file.

the documentation states, flake8 file has put in ~/.config/flake8.

i tried %userprofile%/.config/flake8 , %userprofile%/flake8 both no avail. perhaps, experience working flake8 on windows can answer this?

if open source code flake8 (, see on windows, default config path different on linux:

if sys.platform.startswith('win'):     default_config = os.path.expanduser(r'~\.flake8') 

on windows 7 machine, resolves to: c:\users\username\.flake8

so you'll have create file called .flake8. sure begins period. did opening command line , going home folder , executing following command:

nul > .flake8 

that created blank file can't create in explorer (or couldn't anyway). once that's created, can open , add whatever it.

update - found "documentation" mentions windows here:


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