Python: using function on 2 elements of different 2d numpy arrays -

i want sum of equivalent indexes of 2 arrays , threshold them. code runs slow , have use function often. there more efficient way in python?

sobelx = cv2.sobel(smoothed,cv2.cv_64f,1,0,ksize=-1) sobely = cv2.sobel(smoothed,cv2.cv_64f,0,1,ksize=-1)  in range(0,height-1):     j in range(0,width-1):          xvalue= sobelx[i,j]         yvalue= sobely[i,j]         tmp = math.sqrt(math.pow(xvalue,2) + math.pow(yvalue,2))          if tmp > 255:             tmp = 255         elif tmp <0:             tmp =0          self.gradientmap[i,j] = tmp 

this should trick:

sobelx = cv2.sobel(smoothed,cv2.cv_64f,1,0,ksize=-1) sobely = cv2.sobel(smoothed,cv2.cv_64f,0,1,ksize=-1)  self.gradientmap = numpy.sqrt (sobelx ** 2 + sobely ** 2) self.gradientmap[self.gradientmap> 255] = 255 

i don't know exact type of sobelx , sobely assumed there 2 numpy.array questions.

note: removed tmp < 0 case because never have negative square root.


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