objective c - iOS framework is not able to be updated after the initial archiving -

i creating ios framework used in app. followed this tutorial in order , going.

everything worked fine initially. archived project simple following:


#import <foundation/foundation.h> #import <uikit/uikit.h>  foundation_export double eversionnumber; foundation_export const unsigned char eversionstring[];  @interface e : nsobject  + (void)showalert;  @end 


#import "e.h"  @implementation e  + (void)showalert {     uialertview *alert = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:@"hello there!"                                                     message:@""                                                    delegate:nil                                           cancelbuttontitle:@"cool"                                           otherbuttontitles:nil];     [alert show]; }      @end 

i included archived output of debug , release directories app, , added reference .framework file via embedded binary section of app's build settings.

i ran app main bit:


#import "viewcontroller.h" #import "e.h"  @interface viewcontroller ()  @end  @implementation viewcontroller  - (void)viewdidload {     [super viewdidload];      [e showalert]; }  @end 

everything works here.

however, weirdness started when tried add method framework's code. updated versioning, cleaned, archived new version of framework, wiped old framework info out of app included, , added new version of framework app.

here updated framework files:


#import <foundation/foundation.h> #import <uikit/uikit.h>  foundation_export double eversionnumber; foundation_export const unsigned char eversionstring[];  @interface e : nsobject  + (void)showalert; + (void)shownewalert;  @end 


#import "e.h"  @implementation e  + (void)showalert {     uialertview *alert = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:@"hello there!"                                                     message:@""                                                    delegate:nil                                           cancelbuttontitle:@"cool"                                           otherbuttontitles:nil];     [alert show]; }      + (void)shownewalert {     uialertview *alert = [[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:@"new method!"                                                     message:@"does work??"                                                    delegate:nil                                           cancelbuttontitle:@"cool"                                           otherbuttontitles:nil];     [alert show]; }  @end 

i ran app new code:


#import "viewcontroller.h" #import "e.h"  @interface viewcontroller ()  @end  @implementation viewcontroller  - (void)viewdidload {     [super viewdidload];      [e shownewalert]; }  @end 

the app builds successfully, when run it:

+[e shownewalert]: unrecognized selector sent class 0x10ef57188 

why e subclass of nsobject , not subclass of uiviewcontroller?


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