caching - Share secondary cache accross different applications -

we using cms secondary cache enabled:


<cfset this.ormsettings.secondarycacheenabled = true /> <cfset this.ormsettings.cacheprovider = "ehcache" /> <cfset this.ormsettings.cacheconfig="ehcache.xml" /> 


<ehcache>     <diskstore path=""/>     <defaultcache         maxelementsinmemory="10000"         eternal="true"         overflowtodisk="true"         maxelementsondisk="10000000"         diskpersistent="true"         diskexpirythreadintervalseconds="120"         memorystoreevictionpolicy="lru"         /> </ehcache> 

the entities set cacheuse="transactional" <cfcomponent persistent="true" entityname="news" table="mews" cacheuse="transactional">

saving article in cms works great , instantly reflects changes after saving.

one of sites managed cms should share cache cms. otherwise application reflects changes after timeout value set in site's ehcache.xml:

<ehcache>     <diskstore path=""/>     <defaultcache         maxelementsinmemory="10000"         eternal="false"         timetoidleseconds="1800"         timetoliveseconds="1800"         overflowtodisk="true"         maxelementsondisk="10000000"         diskpersistent="true"         diskexpirythreadintervalseconds="120"         memorystoreevictionpolicy="lru"         /> </ehcache> 

is possible share cache between 2 different applications? possible configure in 2 application.cfc's?


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