How to convert a .pptx to .pdf using Python -

i have been looking convert .pptx file .pdf file through python script several hours nothing seems working.

what have tried: have tried 1) this script calls windows32.client, , 2) unoconv, none of them seem working me.

problems encountered: using script first option throws error (com_error: (-2147352567, 'exception occurred.', (0, none, none, none, 0, -2147024894), none)), whereas in second option python can't seem recognize unoconv after installing using pip.

i saw recommended pandoc, can't understand how use python.

versions using: python 2.7.9, windows 8.1

i found answer of this post , answer this question.

import comtypes.client  def ppttopdf(inputfilename, outputfilename, formattype = 32):     powerpoint = comtypes.client.createobject("powerpoint.application")     powerpoint.visible = 1      if outputfilename[-3:] != 'pdf':         outputfilename = outputfilename + ".pdf"     deck =     deck.saveas(outputfilename, formattype) # formattype = 32 ppt pdf     deck.close()     powerpoint.quit() 


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