casting - java unchecked cast required: Class<A> found: Class<CAP#1> where CAP#1 is a fresh type-variable -

i trying rid of compiler warnings in code, , 1 little frustrating.

i need functional operations class object of particular class i've created. let's illustrate code:

public static void main(string[] args) {     obj = getobj();     class<a> clazz = obj.getclass(); }  static class {}  static getobj() {     return new a(); } 

this code throws compiler error:

incompatible types: class<cap#1> cannot converted class<a>   cap#1 fresh type-variable:     cap#1 extends capture of ? extends 

ok, cast obj getclass():

class<a> clazz = (class<a>)obj.getclass(); 

and warning (better error):

[unchecked] unchecked cast   required: class<a>   found:    class<cap#1>   cap#1 fresh type-variable:     cap#1 extends capture of ? extends 

so, how check class cast?

tried this:

class c = obj.getclass(); class<a> clazz = c instanceof class<a> ? (class<a>)c : null; 

but produced warning , error.

so i'm stumped.


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