objective c - How to Upload an Animated GIF in Twitter for IOS? -
i have gif image , want share in twitter unfortunately it's not working.
when posted image using twitter api on dev.twitter.com site works fine , animates.
however want post image using twitter ios app/api. know how this?
thanks in advance.
- (void)postimage:(uiimage *)image withstatus:(nsstring *)status url:(nsurl*)urldata { // uiimage *img = [uiimage animatedimagenamed:@"test.gif" duration:3.0]; nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update_with_media.json"]; nsmutabledictionary *paramater = [[nsmutabledictionary alloc] init]; //set parameter here. see others acceptable parameters find @ twitter api here : http://bit.ly/occe6r [paramater setobject:status forkey:@"status"]; acaccountstore *accountstore = [[acaccountstore alloc] init]; acaccounttype *accounttype = [accountstore accounttypewithaccounttypeidentifier:acaccounttypeidentifiertwitter]; [accountstore requestaccesstoaccountswithtype:accounttype options:nil completion:^(bool granted, nserror *error) { if (granted == yes) { nsarray *accountsarray = [accountstore accountswithaccounttype:accounttype]; if ([accountsarray count] > 0) { acaccount *twitteraccount = [accountsarray lastobject]; slrequest *postrequest = [slrequest requestforservicetype:slservicetypetwitter requestmethod:slrequestmethodpost url:url parameters:paramater]; nsdata *imagedata = [nsdata datawithcontentsofurl:urldata]; // gif89a file [postrequest addmultipartdata:imagedata withname:@"media[]" type:@"image/gif" filename:@"animated.gif"]; [postrequest setaccount:twitteraccount]; // or postrequest.account = twitteraccount; [postrequest performrequestwithhandler:^(nsdata *responsedata, nshttpurlresponse *urlresponse, nserror *error) { nsstring *output = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"http response status: %i", [urlresponse statuscode]]; nslog(@"output = %@",output); dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ }); }]; } } }]; }
just call above method this
[self postimage:nil withstatus:@"your text" url:asseturl]
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