node.js - Confused about Mongoose/Mongo Terminology. Are Sub-Docs/Embedded-Docs also Collections? -

if have following mongoose models:

// child.model.js var mongoose      = require('mongoose'),     schema        = mongoose.schema,     childschema   = new schema({          name: string,         age: number      }, {collection: 'children'});  module.exports = mongoose.model('child', childschema);  //parent.model.js var mongoose      = require('mongoose'),     child         = require('./child.model.js'),     schema        = mongoose.schema,     parentschema  = new schema({          name: string,         children: [child.schema]      });  module.exports = mongoose.model('parent', parentschema); 

would mean have 2 collections, 1 called 'parents' , 1 called 'children'?

as understand above code creates nested document structure whereby child objects exist within collection of parent documents. however, i'm getting confused {collection: 'name'} option can pass schema constructor. option ignored when creating sub-documents this?

there 2 kinds of subdocs - embedded , referenced. mongoose-level classification. @ mongodb level it's collections , documents.

the difference between embedded , referenced docs in mongoose former akin having child schema "embedded" in parent. i.e. far mongodb concerned (parent) 1 big document.

whereas in referenced docs parent document stores child document's objectid, i.e. child document "referenced", , it's left "populate" entire document.

what you're using children: [child.schema] syntax of embedded document.

would mean have 2 collections, 1 called 'parents' , 1 called 'children'?

so you'll have 1 collection in mongodb.

however, i'm getting confused {collection: 'name'} option can pass schema constructor. option ignored when creating sub-documents this?

that option if create model schema, uses name provided instead of automatically inferring.


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