jquery - Dynamic Javascript to allow character input after limited with preventDefault -

i have dynamic javascript rules engine in based on criteria such dropdown not changed, prevent characters being entered

$(document).on('keypress',"[id^="+condtionid+"]", function(event){     event.preventdefault();   }); 

however, if change dropdown value allow character, textbox refuses allow input.

examples of ids:

select:  id="selectnumber435" input:   id="condtionid435"   

every row dynamically created table ends same random number created.

problem once not allow input, tried

return true;   did not work 

even condition in allow numeric, change dropdown value allows input , "holds on thinking should allow numeric.

i prefer not have make user delete dynamically created row, there has way allow typing characters input box again. sort of "reset" ...

you can dettach attached event:



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