python - get text content from p tag -

i trying description text content of each block on page

html p tag looks like

<p class="profilecard-bio u-dir" dir="ltr" data-aria-label-part=""><a href="" rel="nofollow" dir="ltr" data-expanded-url="" class="twitter-timeline-link" target="_blank" title=""><span class="invisible">http://</span><span class="js-display-url"></span><span class="tco-ellipsis"><span class="invisible">&nbsp;</span></span></a> covers current challenges, interviews leading actors , book reviews related data mining, analytics , data science.</p> 

my code:

productdivs = soup.findall('div', attrs={'class' : 'profilecard-content'}) div in productdivs:    print div.find('p', attrs={'class' : 'profilecard-bio u-dir'}).text 

anything wrong here? getting exception here

traceback (most recent call last):   file "", line 91, in getimagelist     print div.find('p', attrs={'class' : 'profilecard-bio u-dir'}).text attributeerror: 'nonetype' object has no attribute 'text' 

the issue might div class profilecard-content may not have child p element class - profilecard-bio u-dir , when happens , following returns none -

div.find('p', attrs={'class' : ['profilecard-bio', 'u-dir']}) 

and reason getting attributeerror. should return of above , save in variable , , check whether none or not , take text if not none.

also, should give class list of classes , not single string, -

attrs={'class' : ['profilecard-bio', 'u-dir']} 

example -

productdivs = soup.findall('div', attrs={'class' : 'profilecard-content'}) div in productdivs:    elem = div.find('p', attrs={'class' : ['profilecard-bio', 'u-dir']})    if elem:        print elem.text 


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