python - Installing PyGMO on Mac OS X Yosemite - missing boost-python3? -

i've been trying install pygmo on mac os x 10.10. i'm using anaconda python 2.3, comes python 3.4.

i followed instructions on , did try build boost manually didn't have luck building boost-python... instructions find on official website limited...

while using ccmake run build file in pagmo/build directory, complained did not find boost-python3...

so reverted using brew install boost. info found on page:

now have both boost , boost-python installed, still ccmake process pygmo complains not being able find boost-python3.

are there environment variables need set? in ccmake config screen need set boost_python3_library_release or boost_python3_library_debug?

latest edit: sha256 below mis-match resolved. turned out caused source forge site being down when ran commands... better error messages have helped.

however, when tried boost , boost-python brew, got following sha256 hash code mismatch error.

anyone has idea how fix this?

>$ sudo brew install boost-python --with-python3 ==> installing boost-python dependency: boost ==> downloading ####################################################################### 100.0% ==> pouring boost-1.58.0.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz 🍺 /usr/local/cellar/boost/1.58.0: 10718 files, 486m ==> installing boost-python ==> downloading https://downloads.sourceforge.... ==> downloading http://downloads.sourceforge.n... ####################################################################### 100.0% error: sha256 mismatch expected: fdfc204fc33ec79c99b9a74944c3e54bd78be4f7f15e260c0e2700a36dc7d3e5 actual: 818a4b8bbcb50878a8b1b9f71b4274d242ab46bf860c74676e98dec1d0248821 archive: /library/caches/homebrew/boost-python-1.58.0.tar.bz2 retry incomplete download, remove file above. 

tried delete cached boost package files suggested few times didn't work either.

thanks guys.

ok problem resolved. here's best practice boost on mac os x.

use homebrew! key use --with-python3 switch! credits page:

>$ brew install boost-python --with-python3 

assuming have cmake already, follow instructions on pygmo's website.

pagmo/build>$ ccmake ../ 

this bring config screen, should fine. if not, rm -rf * in pagmo/build folder clear , start again (this resolved issue boost-python3 me mentioned above.

then run make , sudo make install mentioned on website.

pygmo should ready use in python after that!

i had following error message. however, if start python in ~/anaconda/lib folder have anaconda installed, import pygmo worked, it's library path thing needs fixed.

>>> import pygmo gmo traceback (most recent call last):   file "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>   file "/users/xxx/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pygmo/", line 57, in <module>     pygmo import core, algorithm, migration, problem, topology, test, util   file "/users/xxx/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pygmo/core/", line 2, in <module>     pygmo.core._core import * importerror: dlopen(/users/xxx/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pygmo/core/, 2):  library not loaded: libpython3.4m.dylib   referenced from: /users/xxx/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pygmo/core/   reason: image not found 

**latested edit: ** did searching around, partial solution import error above, set dyld_library_path=~/anaconda/lib. this, imports work when launch python in console. however, ipython-notebook not start me... have seen max os doesn't have dynamic search also...


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