Can one VBA code execute commands in excel and access? -

is possible 1 vba code execute commands in both excel , access?

each day have 15 queries need copy/pasted specific sheets , places in excel workbook. information in queries updated everyday. i'm hoping write code insert results of these queries specific locations in excel.

would possible write 1 code of this?

yes, access maintains spreadsheet output capabilities including:

  1. transferspreadsheet identify query exported , outputted specific workbook , range: docmd.transferspreadsheet acexport, acspreadsheettypeexcel12, "qryname", "c:\path\to\excelspread\sheet.xlsx" true, "!worksheetname"

  2. copyfromrecordset declare queries in dao or ado recordsets in vba , output resultset worksheet range: ws.range("a2").copyfromrecordset rst

do note never need run queries in access except if action queries (append, update, delete). select queries, anytime in use (exported, called, or opened) query runs.


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