playframework - in play 2.4 logback configurations, where is ${application.home} defined? -
the link here shows how configure custom logger.
i wondering ${applicaation.home} defined, seems not have been defined in production environment.
as indicated @user316607, play should define application.home
in logger.configure method. if seeing value application.home_is_undefined
instead, , you're using compile-time dependency injection, you'll need call logger.configure
in applicationloader
explained in this blog post:
class myapplicationloader extends applicationloader { def load(context: context) = { new mycomponents(context).application } } class mycomponents(context: context) extends builtincomponentsfromcontext(context) { // have call logger.configure manually or logback won't work logger.configure(context.environment) // ... rest of app initialization code ... }
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