osx - No bag entry - Cocoa -

i working on app written in swift mac. using xcode 6.4 on osx 10.10.4

i noticed weird messages regarding in app purchases.
when run app method request:didfailwitherror of skproductsrequestdelegate invoked seen below

func request(request: skrequest!, didfailwitherror error: nserror!) {     println("failed: \(error.localizeddescription)") } 

this code snippet prints failed: no bag entry

further, solve cleaned project remove old binary. when try execute newly build binary finder says

after clicking on sign in nothing happens.


  • what no bag entry?
  • why alert (present in image) saying have purchased app, although testing in app store sandbox?


  • the reason executing app finder(outside xcode) mac applications required executed outside xcode first time, can fetch receipt apple server

  • mac app store kept logged out through entire process

  • this error popped out reason. pretty sure has done outside xcode.


apple has updated technical note tn2206 on july 27 , change titled

cover changes linking dynamic libraries outside of app bundle.

i have dynamically linked openssl library in app, guess has it.

i've seen "no bag entry" error passed -request:didfailwitherror: method in skproductsrequestdelegate twice far whilst developing , testing mac app.

the full nserror i've seen is:

error domain=iserrordomain code=3 "no bag entry" userinfo={   nslocalizeddescription=no bag entry,   nslocalizedfailurereason=could not find key 'p2-product-offers' in bag. } 

i don't know p2-product-offers is: isn't string i'm using in app.

from searching web, seems iserrordomain storekit.

both times i've seen this, internet connection has been bit flakey. current guess error means "the internet connection dropped whilst storekit retrieving product information".


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