Kibana (Elasticsearch) dev environment -
i want embed 1 specific chart in dahsboard of kibana. need inject js kibana source. have followed instructions provide test environment, have obtained error after "./kibana --dev"
let _ = require('lodash'); ^^^ node.js:201 throw e; // process.nexttick error, or 'error' event on first tick ^ syntaxerror: unexpected strict mode reserved word @ module._compile (module.js:429:25) @ object..js (module.js:459:10) @ module.load (module.js:348:32) @ function._load (module.js:308:12) @ array.0 (module.js:479:10) @ eventemitter._tickcallback (node.js:192:41)
can me start environment, or advice. probably, moving wrong general goal (inject js code kibana) can reached approach.
i have reached general goal, , if right - place here approach. (also, answer above question)
when seeking ways how implement want (my own custom metrics in dashboard....only training , personal "sport interest" sake) - had chosen next way.
first of - need pay attention on index.js, not small 1 huge file (more 5mb), predominantly contains angularjs terms.
my steps was:
- i put html empty container metrics
<div class="metric_container"></div>.
html defines in index.js
define('text!plugins/dashboard/index.html',[],function () { return '<div dashboard-app class="app-container dashboard-container">\n .....
can try search ctrl+f on index.js
- i found variable json data charts (esresp)
- i found watcher on changing
$scope.$watch('esresp', prereq(function (resp, pre resp) {....
- put in body of watcher
my_function ()
call. - finished
call, contains completing html metric sample renewed figures (from esresp json) , putting metric_container
so, can develop own metrics, charts, , renew, based on information provided in charts.
so, if need smth - need firstly create appropriate chart because of data set own calculations , further visualization.
something so. sure, there best way, was.
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