python - How to find a particular string within another string as quickly as possible? -
i'd know if there better/nicer/faster way solve following problem.
return true if given string contains appearance of "abc" abc not directly preceded period (.). "qabc" counts "" not count.
my solution was:
def abc_there(string): tmp = 0 in xrange(len(string)): if string[i:i+3] == "abc" , string[i-1] != ".": tmp += 1 return tmp > 0
just clarify:
".abc" --> false
".abcabc" --> true
only instance next right of period gets erased.
there less straight-forward way problem , it's faster too. code:
def xyz_there(string): return string.count(".abc") != string.count("abc")
this works because if there string passed "", ".abc" count 1 abc count 2 if string "" example. return false.
to prove it's faster, headed on ipython.
in [1]: def abc_there(string): ...: tmp = 0 ...: in xrange(len(string)): ...: if string[i:i+3] == "abc" , string[i-1] != ".": ...: tmp += 1 ...: return tmp > 0 in [2]: timeit abc_there("nghkabc") out[2]: 1000000 loops, best of 3: 310 ns per loop in [3]: def abc_there(string): ...: return string.count(".abc") != string.count("abc") in [4]: timeit abc_there("nghkabc") out[4]: 1000000 loops, best of 3: 296 ns per loop
296ns < 310ns solution bit faster.
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