python - Bokeh DeprecationWarning: Setting a fixed font size value as a string 'text_font_size' is deprecated -

/library/python/2.7/site-packages/bokeh/ deprecationwarning: setting fixed font size value string 'text_font_size' deprecated, set value('text_font_size') or ['text_font_size'] instead super(hasprops, self).setattr(name, value)

i getting warning when running code:

myfig.text(x=[i], y=[.5], text=["abc"], text_align='center', text_font_size=['10pt'], text_color='#cdefcc') 

can ? how rid of ?

it looks active bug bokeh. there github issue it. here snippet of response:

hi @marcomayer looks found little bug. "list" syntax may go away anyway. can set values this, however:

from import value

for little context, reason deprecation string values data specs are, in every other context, interpreted column data source column names. changes brings consistency interface.


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