java - does control come back to the webapp which forwarded request to another webapp? -

i have 2 web apps.

  1. a.war
  2. b.war

both have been deployed in same app server. request comes a.war , forwards request b.war via

context.getservletcontext("appname of b").getrequestdispatcher("uri").forward(request, response);

once request forwarded a b , once processing completed on b, control come web app a or web app b directly sends request client (browser)?

in other words , separate thread executed in web app b in case , sends response directly user?

as forward word says when user's request forwarded webapp/servlet , element invoked forward method no longer works , thread killed. in both situations, forwarding servlet or webapp creates new thread handle request.

to move control first servlet/application should forward request again.


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