CAKEPHP3 REST API point to a different controller? -

i believe missing here. trying point route custom controller:

router::scope('/myapi/', function ($routes) {     $routes->extensions(['json', 'xml']);      $routes->resources('some_value',             [             'controller'=>'somevalue',             'only' => ['index', 'create', 'update', 'delete'],             'id'=>'[0-9]+'             ]);  }); 

therefore url wanting ~mydomain~/myapi/some_value.

i want point somevaluecontroller instead of looking some_valuecontroller. controller definition ignored in case , instead cakephp3 looks some_valuecontroller instead rather avoid try , keep cakephp's naming conventions (and make use of cake bake console create lot of controllers models me) specify custom url.

what have missed here?


nevermind, if titlecase name works:

    $routes->resources( 'somevalue',             [             'only' => ['index', 'create', 'update', 'delete'],             'id'=>'[0-9]+'             ]);  

this allows url of some_value , points correct controller.

posted in case helps else.


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