Filter data in couchbase View -
when write view in couchbase return whole doc return _sync":{} data, there way remove data response.
here view function:-
function map(doc, meta) { if (doc.type == 'user' && doc.user_id) { emit(doc.user_id, doc); } }
first off, shouldn't ever have emit whole doc. makes index bigger on disk, , it's redudant since can whole doc view row (the doc id included, , sdks transparently fetch usually).
in case though, may need second part of emit. select attributes interested in , emit them in array (like emit(doc.user_id, [doc.attributea, doc.attributeb])
), "filtering out" _sync
only problem if later on add attributec
users, won't automatically included (so filters out attributes not explicitly listed in map function). make sense?
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