php - how to get rows that repeated X times or more? -
i have table contains data. have 'username' field in table stores users username.
in table there possible user have many records.
now, how can users username repeated more x times? (50 time or more example?) , after want delete rows each user in previous step need keep first x rows , need delete rows after row x each user.
how can mysql , php?
update: solve problem this:
select username, count(*) numrecords table group username
this take number of steps achive..
start building query count number of records each user
select username, count(*) numrecords table group username
then add:
having numrecords > 5
to narrow down usernames more 5 records..
loop through records query above..
foreach($results $result){ // query db using `username` 'record keep' "select * table username = $result['username'] order someuniqueid limit 1" __execute query__ __store record id keep__ // delete records (except 1 keep) "delete table username = $result['username'] , someuniqueid != $someuniqueid" __execute query__ }
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