php - Invalid argument supplied for foreach() - Bing Search API -

this php code:

<?php  $acctkey = 'key';  $rooturi = '';  $contents = file_get_contents('bing_basic.html');  if ($_post['query']) {  $query = urlencode("'{$_post['query']}'");  $serviceop = $_post['service_op'];  $requesturi = "$rooturi/$serviceop?\$format=json&query=$query";  $auth = base64_encode("$acctkey:$acctkey");  $data = array('http' => array('request_fulluri' => true,'ignore_errors' => true,'header' => "authorization: basic $auth"));  $context = stream_context_create($data);  $response = file_get_contents($requesturi, 0, $context);  $jsonobj = json_decode($response); $resultstr = ''; foreach($jsonobj->d->results $value) {     switch ($value->__metadata->type)     {         case 'webresult':         $resultstr .= "<a href=\"{$value->url}\">{$value->title}</a><p>{$value->description}</p>";         break;         case 'imageresult': $resultstr .= "<h4>{$value->title} ({$value->width}x{$value->height}) " . "{$value->filesize} bytes)</h4>" . "<a href=\"{$value->mediaurl}\">" . "<img src=\"{$value->thumbnail->mediaurl}\"></a><br />";         break;     } }  $contents = str_replace('{results}', $resultstr, $contents);  }  echo $contents;  ?> 

and tis html:

<html> <head> <title>bing search tester (basic)</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body> <h1>bing search tester (basic)</h1> <form method="post" action="bing_basic.php"> <label for="service_op">service operation</label><br/> <input name="service_op" type="radio" value="web" checked /> web <input name="service_op" type="radio" value="image" /> image <br/> <label for="query">query</label><br/> <input name="query" type="text" size="60" maxlength="60" value="" /><br /><br /> <input name="bt_search" type="submit" value="search" /> </form> <h2>results</h2> {results}  </body> </html> 

why keep getting error ? duplicate way, other questions didn't have code , there no answers question.

also, i'm not familiar php objects , json..

api documentation:!112&app=word&authkey=!annnjqreb0kdc04

double check ensure $jsonobj->d->results indeed array or not empty.

if( ( is_array( $jsonobj->d->results ) && ( ! empty( $jsonobj->d->results ) ) {     foreach($jsonobj->d->results $value)     {         switch ($value->__metadata->type)         {             case 'webresult':             $resultstr .= "<a href=\"{$value->url}\">{$value->title}</a><p>{$value->description}</p>";             break;             case 'imageresult': $resultstr .= "<h4>{$value->title} ({$value->width}x{$value->height}) " . "{$value->filesize} bytes)</h4>" . "<a href=\"{$value->mediaurl}\">" . "<img src=\"{$value->thumbnail->mediaurl}\"></a><br />";             break;         }     } } else {     if( ! is_array( $jsonobj->d->results ) {         echo "jsonobj->d->results not array!";     } elseif( empty( $jsonobj->d->results ) {         echo "jsonobj->d->results empty!";     } } 


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