powershell - Pin program to taskbar using PS in Windows 10 -
i trying pin program taskbar in windows 10 (rtm) using code:
$shell = new-object -com "shell.application" $folder = $shell.namespace((join-path $env:systemroot system32\windowspowershell\v1.0)) $item = $folder.parsename('powershell_ise.exe') $item.invokeverb('taskbarpin');
this worked on windows 8.1, no longer works on windows 10.
if execute $item.verbs()
, these:
application parent name ----------- ------ ---- &open run &administrator &pin start restore previous &versions cu&t © create &shortcut &delete rena&me p&roperties
as can see, there no verb pinning taskbar. if right click specific file, however, option there:
missing something?
there new way in windows 10 pin program taskbar?
i have same problem , still not know how handle it, little command line tool does:
you can use in command line that:
syspin "path/file.exe" c:5386
to pin program taskbar ,
syspin "path/file.exe" c:5387
to unpin it. works fine me.
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