ruby - Rails upgrade to 4.1.12 causes ActiveAdmin crash -
we have app we're upgrading rails 3.2.x 4.1.x. after tweaking, app runs now, trying load activeadmin dashboard, error:
showing /users/xxx/.rbenv/versions/2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/activeadmin-1.0.0.pre1/app/views/active_admin/page/index.html.arb line #2 raised: undefined method `call' #<pano::activerecord_relation:0x007fd869a3c138> extracted source (around line #2): 1 insert_tag active_admin_application.view_factory["page"] rails.root: /users/xxx/google drive/code/xxxx/xxxx-rails
the code causing crash in activeadmin code itself:
i'm not sure i'm missing here, can potentially point me in right direction?
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